Tragedy of the E-Commons
The internet's pioneers envisioned it as a digital commons. Lately, this commons has become less an idealist agora and more a polluted park.
The Terrible Permanence of Technological Memory
Is redemption possible in a world where the machine never forgets?
We Weren't Prepared for How Stupid the AI Struggle Would Be
Science fiction depicted the rise of AI as thrilling, existentially complex, and philosophically rich. The real world crisis is a lot dumber.
ChatGPT Round-Up: AI in the Classroom
It's been six months since my viral tweet about ChatGPT, and the articles I wrote on it are now published. Time to revisit?
Moby-Dick: Or, The Ambiguities
Moby-Dick is American Shakespeare. Each era finds something new in it, but its critical stance on technology, capitalism, and nature is timely as ever.
The Fifth Head of Cerberus: Notes on a Neglected Masterpiece
Gene Wolfe's brilliant novel asks courageous questions about progress, space colonization, and humanity.
ChatGPT and the University's Existential Crisis
To grapple with ChatGPT in the classroom is also to grapple with the purpose of education: what are its means and what are its ends?
To Serve Man: The Relationship of Humanity to Technology
An explanation for this site. We can neither embrace technology uncritically, nor renounce it totally.