Why Cyberpunk Matters
Though the genre is sometimes thought dated, cyberpunk books, movies, and video games are still relevant. They form a last-ditch effort at humanism in the face of machine dominance.
In Defense of Machines
It's easy to focus on the bad results of new technology and machines--especially today as AI runs roughshod over us. But we must also remember its good.
You Are (Not) a Machine
Reflections on the machine metaphor inspired by Joy Marie Clarkson's book You Are a Tree.
The Day(s) the Earth Stood Still
The 2008 version of The Day the Earth Stood Still is a flawed but still worthwhile movie, addressing technology and humanity, but also the nature of remakes.
The Terrible Permanence of Technological Memory
Is redemption possible in a world where the machine never forgets?
The Sincerity of Videogame Storytelling
Games have always had good writing (if you knew where to look). Now, more creators are using the medium to tell stories that only games can.